We are very pleased you have chosen Quardo for your website, you will not be disappointed! Before you get started, please be sure to always check out these documentation files.
We outline all kinds of good information, and provide you with all the details you need to use about theme. Quardo can only be used with WordPress and we assume that you already have clean WordPress installed and ready to go. If you do not, please see our section on WordPress to help you get started.
What's included on download file ?
After you download theme files on your dashboard you wil get;
Theme zip file - Main default theme
Documentation - The main documentation
Import folder - 2 files included 1 XML and 1 WIE
Plugins folder - Theme required necessary plugins
WP Bakery - Most popular page builder
Server Requirements
Different servers/hosting services place standard limitations on WordPress setups/users. These are normal and easily increased by either touching base with you're hosting service, or by doing it manually. If you do want to touch base with you're hosting service, they should also be able to provide you with an error log and provide some additional insight as to why this is occurring for you.
memory_limit 256M
upload_max_filesize 256M
post_max_size 256M
max_execution_time 600
max_input_time 600
Support Policy
All of our items come with 6 months support, and we have a dedicated mail: Support is limited to questions regarding the theme’s features or problems with the theme. We are not able to provide support but code customizations or third-party plugins it does not cover support. If you need help with anything other than extra customizations of your theme then you should contact us assit you about it.
Theme Installation
You can install the theme in two ways: through WordPress, or via FTP. The quardo.zip file is the Installable WordPress Theme and what you need to use to get the theme installed. Please see the following steps to get instruction how to install theme correctly.
But first, you need to download the theme files. Go to your dashboard and download zip file.
Downloading The Installalable WordPress Theme Only Gives You The Quardo.zip File
Quardo.zip – this is the parent wordpress theme, install this via WordPress. If you install it via FTP then unzip it first and use the extracted folder.
WordPress Installation
Follow the steps below to install via WordPress.
Step 1 – Navigate to Appearance > Themes
Step 2 – Click Install Themes and hit the upload button.
Step 3 – Navigate to find the “Quardo.zip” file on your computer and click “Install Now”
Step 4 – Wait while the theme is uploaded and installed.
Step 5 – Activate the newly installed theme. Go to Appearance > Themes and activate it.
Step 6 – Then you will get a notification to activate the required plugins: WP Bakery, Theme core plugin and other related plugins.
Step 7 – Activate all the plugins and you are ready to import demo content.
Step 8 – Navigate to Appearance > Import Demo Data.
Step 9 – Final step clicking Import Demo Data button.
That's all
Common Install Error: Are You Sure You Want To Do This?
If you get the “Are You Sure You Want To Do This” message when installing Quardo.zip file via WordPress, it means you have an upload file size limit. Install the theme via FTP if this happens, or call your hosting company and ask them to increase the limit.
FTP Installation
Follow the steps below to install via FTP.
Step 1 – Log into your hosting space via an FTP software like "Filezilla"
Step 2 – Unzip the Quardo.zip file and ONLY use the extracted Quardo themes folder
Step 3 – Upload the extracted More theme folder into wp-content > themes folder
Step 4 – Activate the newly installed theme. Go to Appearance > Themes and activate it.
Step 6 – Then you will get a notification to activate the required plugins: WP Bakery, Theme core plugin and other related plugins.
One Click Demo Import
When you first install any wordpress theme, it will not contain all the extra content that you might of seen in the live demo. There are two ways you can import Demo Content. Usually you have to import an XML file which can be troublesome. We’ve made it easier by creating a Appearance >> Import Demo Data.
Other Method: – Manually install XML demo data from Tools >> Import. Below there is importer for "WordPress" click and install that manuel importer. After install manual import click browse and select XML file from theme package /import folder. Just click next and install all demo content.
That's all
Import All Demo Content
Please install all Plugin before when you import All Data.
Please Import all data demo just with one click Button.
Settings of Theme Options
Theme Options will help you to edit or change basic functions of theme.
On general tab there are some options adding social media, custom header button and contact features etc.
Color Options
On this tab you can able to change theme main color settings.
Header as you can see adding theme logo variations. Controlling some header feature and logo size you can change on this tab.
This tab related with blog section settings. Archive title, tagline, sidebar and any others.
Here in this tab you are able to add 404 image and description text
This is the place of search result text content.
Footer tab you can control footer features with background options. Also you can edit copyright text.
After all changes please make sure click "UPDATE" button
WP Bakery Basic Tips
First of all WP Bakery very easy to use drag-drop page builder. We already create theme core element with our own icon. We suggest you to use theme own elements.
On WP Bakery there are few things that you should know it. We use "SECTION" for each row. After you add row automaticly covers with "section" tag. After starts WP Bakery own row system and after "CONTAINER". To use container you should go ROW SETTINGS to select wrap with "Container" option. Rest is easy like bootstrap.
Each section has top and bottom spacing. To disable that option you can go ROW SETTING and click 3rd tab Drection Options than you can see "Add Theme Default Padding" ? you can select no and your own spacing using "Design Options".
Creating Column with WP Bakery
When you start to create page using WP Bakery there are some column options that you can manage. When you add "ROW" it automaticly add 1 column to make that column 2 or 3 left top side has "LINE" icons describe colums that you need. After you select columns on your row you can click pen "Column Setting" and than as you can see click "Responsive Options". On this options there are 4 device type that you can display for each display differennt column grid. When you add default columns it use that grid system for "Tablet" devices. Just make sure Desktop you want to use or different. WP Bakery is very easy to use page builder. You can learn or improve your building skills by time. For any question you can send email to katmerayt@yahoo.com
Replace Your Content
We already build theme core elements very flexible way to buyer might able to change with their own contents. Just go some demo page and make hover of element. You will see the green pen click it and you can start to replace your own content. After changes do not forget to click Save Button.
Custom CSS
We suggest our buyers if you need to make or add custom css you can use Theme Editor to add few styles for theme own css. It could make you see the changes quickly and easily.
All footer and sidebar contents comes from widgets section. If you want to change something on sidebar or footer go Appaerance >> Widgets page to edit related content with widgets.
Make Your Site Faster
Get a good hosting
You may not think that this is important, but if you want your site to display
really fast you need to get a good hosting. This is the first step in having a fast
site, which also translates into more views, which also translates into a better
SEO, which finally translates into more sales. (affiliate links below)
There are three hosting companies which i recommend:
Optimize images
Always optimize/compress your jpeg images before uploading them to the
server. Large images should be compressed at around 90% image quality and
you should also try to limit the use of lossless image files (uncompressed pngs).
Use a caching plugin
I can’t recommend enough the necessitiy go good caching. If you use a
managed hosting such as WPEngine you don’t need this. But if you are using
ASO or MT or any other hosting you need to cache your content. For this
purpose, i recommend W3 Total Cache! It’s a great and easy to use plugin,
and with only a bit of work you can double your site’s speed.
See this ticket for more info on how to configure this plugin: